Rams for Sale
As of September 2024 we do not have any rams available. Thank you to those who made purchases this year.
We will have more available begining in late spring. Please message us if you would like to be contacted about future offerings. A few things to note:
Under "Type" if there are two birth types listed the first is the birth type, the second is how it was raised.
We rate each of our ewe's udders. That information is available upon request. Please feel free to call or email and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
LEA adj is the loin-eye adjusted to 135 pounds.
For those of you familiar with the National Sheep Improvement Program we have included the NSIP numbers for each animal along with some of his most recent estimated breeding values (EBV's.) If you click on the resources tab you can access the searchable database where you will always find the most recent information. The EBV's may change whenever new data is entered by anyone on the program. Bwt (birthweight), Wwt (weaning weight) and Pwwt (post weaning weight) are in Kilograms Pfat (backfat) and PEMD (Predicted Loin eye muscle depth) are in millimeters. C+ is growth+fat+Pemd combined.